Maldanado, considering drop to 185lbs
by John Morgan | source :
Fabio Maldonado’s manager, Alex Davis, said that his client hasn’t yet made a commitment to middleweight, but he’s certainly considering the option.
“Maldonado has been relying on his capability to withstand punishment, and it caught up with him,” Davis told “Now I’m hearing he wants to drop to 185 pounds. I think it could be a good move.”
“We have been trying to get him to defend himself better, but the answer is always, ‘I don’t mind getting punched. Well, this time that attitude cost him.
“I have never seen Maldonado get rocked, but he is as human as the next man. A well-placed power punch rocks him just as any other human being.”
“Losing is always a lesson, and this time – different then the other two fights when he should have been given the win – he really lost. Trust me, he learned from it. Look for a better Maldonado.”
Read the entire article at the source…