Anderson Silva can train again in 6-9 months!

USA TODAY Sports®/ caught up with Anderson Silvas surgeon for the inside scoop. ENJOY!

source | USA TODAY Sports®/

“In the pre-op area, his question was, ‘When can I train?’” Sanders said. “And he asks every time I see him on my rounds – ‘When can I train?’ – and I always indicate to him he should be able to train. It’s important to be positive with your patient.”

“We’re not even 48 hours from the surgery, and tibia fractures, though we can get them to heal, can have a slower healing,” Sanders said. “My prognosis for healing is three to six months. But there are also soft tissue components that have to heal. If I had to make a guess less than 48 hours from the operation, it would be the fracture healing in three to six months, and attempting to train, six to nine months.”

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